Conversation Gardens is a book that shows you how to commit, create and cultivate healthy relationships through conversation.
It's a beautiful confluence of landscape architecture, biophilia human’s innate tendency to seek connection with nature, social horticulture, interior design, environmental psychology, philosophy, plus health and wellness in all its forms. You’ll be inspired to cultivate relationships and make a plan for creating space where these relationships can grow and pause long enough along the way to get intentional about what you want or need from the relationships in your life.

Creating spaces where you can connect with your family, your friends, and yourself.
Conversation Gardens exists to create spaces where conversations can take place and relationships can grow. And as we all know, the conversation IS the relationship. Those spaces might be permanent, such as a patio or outdoor kitchen. Or, they may be a temporary scene or vignette designed to make the most of your special event. Either way, the goal is the same, to create a space where you can connect with your family, friends, and yourself.
It all started a few years ago as I watched my relationships with my husband and three young sons grow through conversations that took place in our backyard. As a landscape architect, I had always been aware of the power of the natural world, but it had become so personal and satisfying that I yearned to do what I could to create these special spaces for others. I had discovered my purpose and so much more.
Conversation Gardens is not about decks, patios, grills, and plants. It’s about the perfect integration of all these things, and more, in a space that makes you and your guests feel good.
Meet Lynn
Speaker I Author I Designer I Conversation Ambassador
I grew up in small town Iowa spending much time in the yard with my 9 siblings; playing, doing garden chores with Mom and Dad, and relaxing in the sun.
As I look back, I can see how these childhood experiences shaped my design sensibilities and landscape ethic.
After graduating from Iowa State University with a landscape architecture degree, I spent over 15 years in the nursery industry as a landscape architect, making my clients happy by creating beautifully landscaped spaces.
After a few years at home with three young boys, I returned to the world of plants as a consultant, then as the first Executive Director of the Brenton Arboretum near Dallas Center, Iowa. Special places like the Brenton Arboretum, and even our own back yards are critical to our well-being.

Eventually, my path led me to discover my purpose, to create conversational spaces where people can connect. I call these spaces Conversation Gardens.
Now, I'm on a mission to spread the word about how important conversations are, and that where we choose to have them really does matter. I live my purpose through the many hats I wear...wife and mother of 3 teenage boys, co-founder of a non-profit called Justice League of Food, brand manager of our four restaurants, author, speaker, consultant and designer. Yeah, it's alot. The path has been windy and bumpy and has led me to a place of clarity, peace and joy.
Lynn P. Kuhn


I love to share stories and strategies that help people connect with themselves and others through outdoor conversations. With over 30 years-experience in landscape architectural design and being a self-described plant geek, I can speak on topics related to conversations, design and more. Just give me a call and we can chat about your options.
Join Lynn for unique interactive workshops where you’ll learn how critical conversations are, what happens when we don’t have them, and how to create a space that is both physically and emotionally safe and comfortable where conversations flow and relationships grow both at home and at work.
I love to partner with professional workshop facilitators to design a memorable experience for their clients and team members. As a conversation designer with a background in landscape architecture, I create indoor and outdoor spaces designed specifically for conversations, as well as help you design the conversation itself.
It’s my dream for every home, non-profit, municipality, business, and corporate campus to have one or more Conversation Gardens. A Conversation Garden can be designed from scratch, tucked into an existing space, or a series of Conversation Gardens can be incorporated into a larger project. Every client and situation is unique, just like the conversations that will take place there.
